Kuća Bukovac, rodna kuća i muzej velikog hrvatskog slikara Vlaha Bukovca, zadnjih godina provodi pedagoški i izložbeni program za djecu i odrasle kojim se njeguje karnevalska tradicija Cavtata. Kao jedini muzej u Cavtatu, Kuća Bukovac preuzela je ulogu baštinika s ciljem očuvanja cavtatskih karnevalskih običaja. Mnogobrojne kreativne radionice za djecu iznjedrile su mnoštvo autentičnih kostima i maski koje su djeca predstavljala na prigodnim javnim događanjima. Žene iz lokalne zajednice sudjelovale su u programu krojenja originalnih tradicijskih kostima, dominala, čime se sam način izrade predstavio zainteresiranoj javnosti te je proces pohranjen i sačuvan za buduće generacije. Kroz dugotrajno terensko istraživanje karnevalskih običaja prikupljen je pozamašan broj dokumentarnih fotografija od 40-ih godina 20. stoljeća do danas koje su javno prikazane na izložbi u Kući Bukovac 2017. godine. Kao kruna dosadašnjim istraživanjima, rezultati su javno pohranjeni na audiovodiču Kuće Bukovac gdje se, uz bogatu vizualnu dokumentaciju, mogu popratiti i auditivni zapisi dugogodišnjih sudionika i poznavatelja cavtatskih karnevalskih zbivanja.
The Bukovac House, the birthplace and the museum of the great Croatian painter Vlaho Bukovac, has been implementing a pedagogy and exhibition programme for children and adults in the last several years, whereby promoting the Cavtat Carnival traditions. As the only museum in Cavtat, the Bukovac House has taken on the role of a keeper of heritage, with the goal of preserving the Carnival customs of Cavtat. Many creative workshops for children have resulted in the creation of numerous authentic costumes and masks that our children have presented as part of commemorative public events. Women from the local community have participated in the programme for sewing original traditional costumes, the Dominals, which was a perfect way to present the costume-making process to the interested public, and to preserve and archive the process for future generations. Our long-term field research in Carnival customs has resulted in a sizable collection of documentary photographs created in the period from the 1940s until today, and they have been presented to the public as part of an exhibition at the Bukovac House in 2017. As the crowning achievement of the research so far, the results have been publically recorded on the audio guide of the Bukovac House, which holds audio recordings of seasoned participants and experts on Cavtat Carnival events, along with numerous visual documents.